Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Why am I here?

I ask myself this question all the time and often come up with different answers. Sometimes I feel like I am here to improve the lives of these kids and provide them with a better education than I feel I have had. Then I have to stop and ask myself being the self reflective person that I am, "Am I really doing enough?" Honestly, sometimes the answer to that question is no. The reality of the situation is that you cannot and never will be able to say that you did enough for the kids. If you truly care about what you are doing you are never satisfied and to quote TFA you are trying to "Continuously increase your own effectiveness."

Have you ever seen me teach?

In the ever present issues of back biting, mess, complaining, and "Let me throw someone else under the bus to mask my own short comings," today just seems fitting. If you have never observed a person teaching how can you fix your mouth to call someone a bad teacher? Not only that but then you go as far as to say that another teacher who once again you have never seen teach is better than me. Really? The funny thing about it is that the only evidence that you have were the scores of a poorly made and if I may say so myself unfair CBA exam given to the students. Really?

So with that being said let me share a few of the many names of Mr. Chachere:
"The Glory Hog"
"Wannabe Administrator"
"The smooth talker"
Among others

Might I mention that all of these names come from other adults who have traditionally shunned away anything that involved more work than what the already had to do during the regular teaching day.
