Thursday, June 9, 2011

Shake my hand or shoot me the finger

Interesting thing happened to me yesterday. While standing in the cafeteria monitoring for summer school breakfast a special needs kid motioned for me to come over. Trying to be nice I obliged after he had attempted a couple times. When I got there the first thing he does is give me a hug. I think no harm no foul and take is as a simple sign of affection. His teacher however told him we do not hug males and told him to shake my hand instead which he did. While I was walking off he proceeded to blow me a kiss which I completely disregarded and continued to walk away. I saw him in the hallway several times over the course of the day and he always greeted me the same way with a wave and a blown kiss, and every time his teacher would say, "We do not blow kisses to men and boys." The last time I saw him he did it again and his teacher did not notice so I proceeded to reiterate shy his teacher had been telling him all day, "We do not blow kisses to men and boys," but this time was different. He looked at me as though I had just slapped him in the face and proceeded to flip me off and then to walk away. To make this even more hilarious is that one of the counselors just happened to be walking by and saw it, looked at me and asked, "Did he just shoot you the bird?" My reply, "So I am not going crazy, am I?" I told his teacher and he apologized. I am still shaking my head.    Did I fail to mention that I am a hall monitor this summer?

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